Fluids Flow & Thermal Analysis

Numesys CFD Team provides consultancy, project, and engineering services based on computer aided simulation in a wide range of industrial fields, from the aerospace and defense, construction, energy and turbomachinery industries to the aıtomotive, chemical process and materials, and household appliance industries with its expert staff in computational fluids dynamics (CFD) and thermodynamic disciplines. It offers the best and fastest solution with the most accurate approach for the engineering problems of its customers, considering the real-life engineering requirements and constraints.


Aerodynamic forces acting on the surfaces of objects or structures that have air flow around can be examined with CFD analyses, and aerodynamic characterization of objects can be made by calculating aerodynamic coefficients (drag, lift, etc.) and moments. Aerodynamic characterization, design and optimization, and simulation of wind tunnel tests can be carried out in many fields (land vehicles, wind turbines, high buildings, etc.), especially for the aerospace industry.
Similar to aerodynamic analyses, CFD analyses can perform for the hydrodynamic characterization of a vehicle, structure, and immersed or floating object, and form optimization for maximum efficiency. Hydrodynamic design and optimizations of water machines such as propeller, pump, hydro-turbine,especially for naval systems are carried out. Sub-topics such as hydroacoustics can also be explored.


CFD methods are used extensively in all types of axial, radial, or mixed flow turbomachinery. General dimensioning with CFD simulations, determination of 3D blade forms, volute, diffuser, vane guides, stators etc. It is possible to perform hydro / aerodynamic designs of other parts, as well as to conductoptimization studies to increase the general efficiency. Advanced topics such as rotor-stator interaction can also be examined in detail.
The thermal (heating / cooling) design required for all kinds of thermal equipment, from industrial heat exchangers to electronic devices, to operate safely under specified operating conditions can be performed by our experienced team of engineers. We do engineering of passive / active, air / liquidcooled systems or more advanced technology such as heat pipe cooling, radiative cooling, natural and forced convection, solar heat load problems, cooling performance. We also do thermal mapping of the engine room in the automotive industry and calculating the performance of the vehicle cooling package, and detailed solution of cooling systems in buildings.


Flow-related noise problems can be solved with the help of CFD techniques and acoustic models. We calculate the noise levels that will occur in the close and far field and wide spectrum in decibels (sound pressure level). In this way, it can be determined whether the device used provides acoustic comfort conditions.


Our team can help the design and optimization of systems such as reactor, combustion chamber, industrial furnace, burner, internal combustion engines and gas turbines containing chemically reactedflow using CFD methods and Reaction Kinetics. In addition to these, solution of detailed chemical kinetics, important parameters such as air fuel ratio effects, ignition delay, flame speed, and emission values can be calculated.


Flows that are defined or passing around or through the freely moving objects are examined in detail, and the forces and interactions that flows apply to objects can be predicted. Any movement up to 6 degree of freedom can be investigated with CFD analyses, studying real-life complex behaviors, and performing form or operational optimization. These dynamic systems are generally encountered in the industrial facilities (valve opening / closing, etc.) producing from the marine (boat movement, etc.) and the in aviation industry (separation of an object left from the aircraft, etc.).
Flows containing solid particles or liquid droplets can be categorized as particulate flows and are frequently included in many industrial applications. We help our clients understand the interaction between the particles, the medium (fluid) and the wall boundaries of flow in detail.
Free surface flows consist of a liquid and an insoluble gas in that liquid, or two immiscible liquids, with a clear interface between the two fluids. The vast majority of flows in chemical process plants fall into this category. Examples of these flows are mixing, sloshing, ripple, overflow, phase change and marineapplications.
We help our clients with their designs of indoor environments such as buildings, rooms, car parks, tunnels, and mines through CFD simulations. Many issues such as temperature and velocity distribution inside a room, the affected region of the air blown or sucked due to the fans, the emission and discharge of gases in the event of a fire or smoke propagation, the location and direction of the fan selection, the location of the blowing and suction grilles can be examined under this topic with CFD analyses.
We analyze the external flow occurring in large, wide and open areas such as buildings and facilities so that the effects on and around the structure caused by the flow (wind load analyses), comfort conditions, accident scenarios can be examined in detail.
Our team examines the flow of non-Newtonian materials such as polymer, glass and metal that come across in many industrial manufacturing methods such as extrusion, thermoforming, blow molding, glass forming, fiber drawing, so that both the process parameters or design details of the final product can be optimized.