Numesys Structural Analysis Team provides computer-aided engineering services to its customers from various industries in order to validate whether the mechanical designs and end products have the required mechanical properties such as strength and fatigue life.
Static and dynamic stress analysis, vibration calculations, thermal analysis are performed under environmental, operational and limit loads. Recommendations on design improvements are reported by our expert engineers. As such, Numesys Structural Analysis Team guides its customers in finding a durable, lightweight, economical, and easily manufactured design solution that fits the product requirements.
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•Stress Analysis
•Vıbratıon Calculatıons
•Topology And Parametrıc Optımızatıon
•Multı Body Dynamıcs Analysis
•Fatigue Life Calculations
•Metal Forming Calculations
•Blast Analysis
•Forensic Engineering Analysis
Structural behavior of a mechanical design is analyzed with the help of finite element analysis under environmental (gravity, wind, earthquake, transportation, etc.) and operational loads.
The finite element analysis show results such as deformation, displacement, strain, and stress of the structure, and the integrity and functionality of the structure are interpreted by our experts. In this way, the product is validated to meet the necessary integrity under defined mechanical loads. Optimization studies are carried out with design improvement suggestions when necessary.
Engineering services are provided to validate the designs for the cases where the effect of mechanical vibrations are dominant in the design. Investigation of the vibration behavior of products operating under dynamic loads is vital for many applications, across various industries, such as aerospace and defence, turbomachinery, general machinery, household appliances and automotive. With the help of finite element analysis performed by our engineers, critical natural frequencies and related mode shapes of the structures can be determined and possible resonance situations can be prevented. The effects of harmonic and random loads acting on the structure can also be calculated, to evaluate the strength and fatigue life.
Using the most advanced simulation and optimization tools and algorithms, our engineers provide services on objective based parametric optimization, determination of dependencies and sensitivities between design parameters, creation of 1-D models or response surfaces and six sigma analysis. In this way, we help our customers determine the most suitable, lightweight, economical and robust design within the design constraints.
As additive manufacturing methods have spread and started to be used in mass production, topology (shape) optimization methods have become a widely used method amongst mechanical designers.We provide structural analysis and topology (shape) optimization services in order to obtain the optimum CAD geometry that meets the mechanical requirements and compatible with new production methods.
Engineering services are provided in order to obtain the kinematics of mechanisms in working conditions such as determining the rigid-body components of motion (displacements, velocities, etc.), strength behavior of the parts (strain, displacement, etc.) and forces acting on the joints. In this way, important concepts, such as power requirements of the mechanism, joint/component strength, are determined, and design changes are recommended when necessary.
Determination of fatigue life of structures exposed to cyclic loads is one of the most important design criterion especially in industries where safety is indispensable, such as aviation, defense, and automotive. Thanks to advances in numerical technologies, finite element simulations stand out today as a practical and comprehensive tool for fatigue life determination. By using advanced methods and tools, our engineers assist our customers to determine the critical regions for crack initiation especially for metallic structures, determine the design life of critical components and identify the regions with critical stress hotspots and the necessary design changes required to meet the desired mechanical life of the product.
The material flow that will take place between the dies during forging can be predicted with a high level of precision, thanks to the processing of material properties depending on temperature, forming speed and forming quantity by specialized metal forming software with 3-dimensional, complex, non-linear solver. With the data obtained from these analysis, our customers are provided with vital information such as fold formation, press load, die filling status, and die stretching. In this way, our customers can reduce the error costs, which are quite high in metal forming processes.
The pressure load that structural or non-structural components will be exposed to under blast loads is calculated, and time transient structural analysis are performed using explicit numerical codes. As a result of these analysis, many evaluations are performed such as determination of damage due to blast wave, safe stand-off distance to the threat, secondary effects due to particle fragmentation.
Specifically we help our clients in the defense industry to provide the desired level of safety to comply with the industry standards and guidelines for underwater mine blast and landmine blast for naval and land platforms, respectively.
Structural and mechanical components can be damaged, or even become fully unfunctional, due to an unexpected accident during installation, construction, or operational conditions. Such unexpected situations can also lead to many different progressive accident scenarios. The root causes of accidents or some unforeseen behavior in design can be determined through field inspections and accompanied physics-based simulations performed by our engineering experts. The investigations and findings from simulation results are presented as an expert report for our customers’ needs, and root causes for such accidents are identified. Recommendations are made on the current state of the structure or product, on whether it can continue operation, or the repairs necessary for operation.